Monthly Archives: November 2012

Eating Habits: Loreta’s Tips

Health chal­lenges often respond well to the use of clean, prefer­ably organ­ic, whole foods, that are cooked from scratch. When your body receives all the macro and micro nutri­ents it needs from whole foods, crav­ings for junk food or sug­ar will be dras­ti­cal­ly reduced.


Keep organ­ic whole grains around to cook from scratch. You can use them whole, in sal­ads, or fresh­ly ground to a pow­der for quick-cook­ing por­ridges. All whole grains are high in fibre, which helps clean the colon of pos­si­ble toxins.
Give up refined fruit juice and eat your fruit whole, unless you have a juicer.
Give up con­ve­nience foods as much as pos­si­ble: any­thing in a bag, box, or can, or frozen.
Pur­chase a grain mill to grind grains [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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Weight Loss

Weight loss is a nev­er-end­ing debat­ed top­ic. With­out assess­ing the whole health of the indi­vid­ual it is like putting the “cart before the horse”. Gen­er­al­ly there are oth­er fac­tors at play in life; it is not just a mat­ter of an indi­vid­ual sim­ply overeat­ing. Stress, as men­tioned in oth­er blog posts, can lead to too much cor­ti­sol pro­duc­tion which impedes thy­roid func­tion and will aggra­vate weight gain. And often stress means less qual­i­ty and quan­ti­ty of sleep which also impairs glu­cose metab­o­lism there­by alter­ing blood sug­ar as well as decreas­ing the secre­tion of thy­roid stim­u­lat­ing hor­mone and again increas­ing blood lev­els of cor­ti­sol. Every­one is a dif­fer­ent meta­bol­ic type; some indi­vid­u­als are slow oxi­diz­ers and some are fast oxi­diz­ers; there [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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Immune System Function

Often when you are sick you just need a boost of Vit­a­min C, fish oils, or pro­bi­otics along with herbs, but some­times a com­pro­mised Immune sys­tem is relat­ed to stress, fatigue, low­ered adren­al and thy­roid func­tion.  A slug­gish immune can be boost­ed with the prop­er use of herbs like astra­galus, or reishi mush­rooms. When stress is ele­vat­ed long term the immune is often low­ered and even­tu­al­ly the adren­a­ls and thy­roid can suf­fer. At this point, some adren­al-help­ing herbs can be uti­lized as well as vit­a­mins which con­tain glan­du­lars to help rebuild adren­al tis­sue. If the adren­a­ls are deal­ing with long term stress and releas­ing too much cor­ti­sol this can inhib­it the con­ver­sion in the thy­roid of T4 to the more active [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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Cir­cu­la­tion def­i­nite­ly slows down as we age and anti-oxi­­dants like vit­a­min A, and E, or fish oils, and niacin have an affin­i­ty for keep­ing arter­ies healthy and reduc­ing inflam­ma­tion.  Herbs which have blood cir­cu­lat­ing prop­er­ties are hawthorne which is a ton­ic and astra­galus which is an adap­to­gen.  Cau­tion must be exer­cised if there are actu­al arte­r­i­al block­ages (which would be diag­nosed by your doc­tor); if this is the case, all med­ica­tions, if there are any, must be care­ful­ly reviewed espe­cial­ly when tak­ing any­thing else with the meds.  Some­times, less than ide­al cir­cu­la­tion is sim­ply a case of slug­gish blood or lymph cir­cu­la­tion due to lack of activ­i­ty and an unhealthy high­ly processed diet.

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Inflam­ma­tion is always a huge top­ic. Almost every­thing can be cat­e­go­rized as some type of inflam­ma­tion; any­thing from diver­ti­c­uli­tis, fibroids, hor­mon­al imbal­ances, bow­el dis­or­ders, eczema, pso­ri­a­sis, joint pain, and so much more. The liv­er is gen­er­al­ly involved here at some lev­el. When years of tox­ins build up in the cells and the liv­er becomes slug­gish it can no longer remove cel­lu­lar debris.  The liv­er needs help mak­ing its most pow­er­ful anti-oxi­­dant called glu­tathione which can be encour­aged by tak­ing the pre­cur­sors that make this pow­er­ful sub­stance, like cys­teine or methio­n­ine which can be tak­en as sup­ple­ments. Along with clean­ing the liv­er, many anti-inflam­­ma­­to­ry vitamins/minerals can be uti­lized like pro­bi­otics, fish oils, and var­i­ous types of micro min­er­als avail­able in many [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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