Monthly Archives: January 2013

high/low stomach acid

Stom­ach acid is anoth­er lengthy top­ic.  Holis­tic Nutri­tion Schools talk about stom­ach acid quite a lot as they are prepar­ing prac­ti­tion­ers for the large num­ber of clients who are on GERD med­ica­tion used to reduce stom­ach acid.  I have met sev­er­al clients on stom­ach acid low­er­ing meds.  One of the chal­lenges is that typ­i­cal high stom­ach acid symp­toms like burning/heartburn sen­sa­tions can also mean low stom­ach acid.  Once you have med­ical­ly ruled out the pres­ence of H. Pylori bac­te­ria respon­si­ble for ulcers and/or struc­tur­al issues, you have many options available.

As time goes by, and years of processed food eat­ing have passed, stom­ach acid can become very slug­gish espe­cial­ly if there has been a lack of whole food in the [Con­tin­ue read­ing…]

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