Category Archives: Circulation


Cir­cu­la­tion def­i­nite­ly slows down as we age and anti-oxi­­dants like vit­a­min A, and E, or fish oils, and niacin have an affin­i­ty for keep­ing arter­ies healthy and reduc­ing inflam­ma­tion.  Herbs which have blood cir­cu­lat­ing prop­er­ties are hawthorne which is a ton­ic and astra­galus which is an adap­to­gen.  Cau­tion must be exer­cised if there are actu­al arte­r­i­al block­ages (which would be diag­nosed by your doc­tor); if this is the case, all med­ica­tions, if there are any, must be care­ful­ly reviewed espe­cial­ly when tak­ing any­thing else with the meds.  Some­times, less than ide­al cir­cu­la­tion is sim­ply a case of slug­gish blood or lymph cir­cu­la­tion due to lack of activ­i­ty and an unhealthy high­ly processed diet.

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