Tag Archives: supplements
Circulation definitely slows down as we age and anti-oxidants like vitamin A, and E, or fish oils, and niacin have an affinity for keeping arteries healthy and reducing inflammation. Herbs which have blood circulating properties are hawthorne which is a tonic and astragalus which is an adaptogen. Caution must be exercised if there are actual arterial blockages (which would be diagnosed by your doctor); if this is the case, all medications, if there are any, must be carefully reviewed especially when taking anything else with the meds. Sometimes, less than ideal circulation is simply a case of sluggish blood or lymph circulation due to lack of activity and an unhealthy highly processed diet.
Infant / Child Nutrition
While it goes without saying that during pregnancy the mother absolutely needs to eat a clean, and highly nourishing diet including prenatal vitamins for proper fetus development, the concern for nutrition does not stop here. Proper infant and child nutrition is of vital importance for the growth and development of strong organs and body. The order of introduction of foods and breastfeeding are critically important in building a hearty immune system. Probiotics can be introduced in infancy to promote good gut health at a very young age and toddlers can be introduced to fish oils to enhance brain development. While the mother is pregnant and breastfeeding, it is desirable to take probiotics and fish oils along with the prenatal vitamins [Continue reading…]