Tag Archives: weight loss
Eating Habits: Loreta’s Tips
Health challenges often respond well to the use of clean, preferably organic, whole foods, that are cooked from scratch. When your body receives all the macro and micro nutrients it needs from whole foods, cravings for junk food or sugar will be drastically reduced.
Keep organic whole grains around to cook from scratch. You can use them whole, in salads, or freshly ground to a powder for quick-cooking porridges. All whole grains are high in fibre, which helps clean the colon of possible toxins.
Give up refined fruit juice and eat your fruit whole, unless you have a juicer.
Give up convenience foods as much as possible: anything in a bag, box, or can, or frozen.
Purchase a grain mill to grind grains [Continue reading…]
Weight Loss
Weight loss is a never-ending debated topic. Without assessing the whole health of the individual it is like putting the “cart before the horse”. Generally there are other factors at play in life; it is not just a matter of an individual simply overeating. Stress, as mentioned in other blog posts, can lead to too much cortisol production which impedes thyroid function and will aggravate weight gain. And often stress means less quality and quantity of sleep which also impairs glucose metabolism thereby altering blood sugar as well as decreasing the secretion of thyroid stimulating hormone and again increasing blood levels of cortisol. Everyone is a different metabolic type; some individuals are slow oxidizers and some are fast oxidizers; there [Continue reading…]